Saturday, April 11, 2009

boredom kills


I thought that I a not going to update this bloggy till the semester break but then the plan changed today. I borrowed yanie's broadband since yanie n the other girls are going to the PC Fair at Persada Johor. I'm here at the hostel lepaking with Mimi. Huhu..

This morning we went to KRP to book our room for next semester. I got the block which is located near the KRP's cafe. Makin gemuk lah saya.. Haiya..

Boring da juak ehh... Sik tauk nak polah apa. online pun dah sik tauk apa nak polah. ish... dahla ujan lebat. plh ku rasa lapar jak. adeh2.. mok diet p kin kuat makan. Mimi bukak lagu raya ndah.. haha. lucu na juak ehh.. mek duak jak katok2 lam bilit. cdak lain suma pg PC Fair. Nyesal juak x ekot. p mun ekot nyakit ati jak.. udah eh.. kin lamak kin ngereco.


That's all for now. I got to go.

Oh, by da way. Good luck for final exam kawan kawan :D


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