Saturday, July 25, 2009

oh so random

- it's Saturday
- I love my dear sayang
- maybe I should do my laundry
- I want to change my bed sheet
- I feel like I want something but I haven't figured out what's that
- weekend is no much fun anymore
- I am broke
- I haven't showered yet
- My mun didn't answer my call
- I want to watch harry potter
- I miss my friend
- the sky is blue
- I think I'll so some cleaning later
- should I get my ass off this bed now?
- pimples! :(
- why there's no update in facebook?
- wondering is there anyone more pathetic than me?
- I like Dettol instant hand sanitizer
- I though I lose my watch yesterday
- the money I have in my wallet is not enough for a happy weekend
- headache
- I an hungry
- I want to make it better
- I feel lazy, super duper
- I think I should start a love affair with LAW
- I what that handbag!
- I miss Kuching
- Does spirulina makes me fat?
- I feel like buying a new watch
- I watched Dirty, Sexy, Money Season 1 and currently I'm watching the 2nd season
- Why there's no mid term break for UTM?
- I heard a sound
- I sneezed
- I got an interview next week, should I be nervous
- I am jealous
- I want to have real fun
- I think I wanna sleep
- Can I sleep till Monday comes?
- I need a serious diet



  1. i love you too my dear sunshine~ ;)
    'anak pak asim'

  2. hahaha.. gago juak anak pak asin tok eh
