Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This semester I'm taking the SBQ3514, Legal Studies 2. I'm no good in that subject. I'm scared. It's 4 credit hours. Oh, :(

enuff. I just HAVE TO try harder. I CAN DO IT! see.. how positive I am. -___-"

Hurm.. I've been thinking some issues now. Haha! Not really issues like the serious issues. I am outdated. I don't read newspapers. I should make reading newspapers as a habit.

I think the serious issue I've been thinking about is the Maths and Science are going to be teach in bahasa again. Like, I envied the batch that studied Maths and Science in English since my batch is the last one that studied Maths and Science in bahasa. I think it will help much during matriculation and uni life. Like, seriously! I don't know why the government do that. It's not that we don't love our own language. Good in English doesn't make us 'lupa daratan'.

ahaha! I sounds like an old people. OMG! No, I'm not ready to be old. me still wanna have fun. :D

the other issue I've been thinking about (the non-serious issue. haha!) is the KK trip. Still no progress. Huhu. Hope we'll make it girls! Sure we'll have a lots of fun if the trip come true. Haha!

& I want to watch Harry Potter. Even my friend told me that she fell asleep while watching that movie but still, I want to watch it! Anyone want to watch it too? Jom!!

Okay, it's wednesday and It's boring!

I'm done with the Dirty, Sexy, Money season 1. Huhu.. Gonna copy the season 2 from Diana soon, really soon coz I'm damn bored now!!

I wish that I'm home right now. I can go out whenever I want. Not really whenever but then still, it'll be much better than stuck here in the room.

and I miss my dear sayang.


till then,

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