I want to go to KL for this weekend but it's IMPOSSIBLE!
Gai UTM for the exam tmr. Pakey jak la paper nok dolok ya? Sapa nok molah hal ya nang nak kenak juak eh. Nang nyusah org jak. Org nok sik bersalah cam mek org tok jadi mangsa. Hish.. Sakit hati jiwa raga ku eh!
Sale gila rah JJ tek eh. Rambang mata tapi sikda juak nok di maok mena. hehe.. Suka juak nak muang masa. Boring bah lam bilit. Sikda polah apa2. Dah sikda kelas. Mun dpt g KL nang kacak mena la. P ya la tek. Ney nak molah. Terimak jak lah.
Ok.. I think I should start writing in English since tomorrow's paper is ENGLISH.
wish me luck for the paper.
a thousand 'boooo' to the people who cause the exam tmr!
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